Meet Nancy White!

Black Friday Bash Featured Author: Meet Nancy White!

2023 black friday bash Nov 23, 2023

Come meet Nancy White and browse their books at our Direct Sales Black Friday Book Bash, starting on Friday, November 24th, 2023! Check it out by clicking here NOW!


First, A Little Bit About Nancy... 

Nancy Lynn White was born in Washington, D.C. into the nomadic life of a military family. She has one beautiful daughter and two of the most-loved grandchildren on the planet. She graduated from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio with a B.A. in English/Professional Writing. She is now self-employed as a freelance writer. She has the following creative non-fiction short stories published in magazines: “The Boss from Hell”, Work Literary Magazine, November 2014; “You’re Safer in a Plane Than a Car”, Shatter the Looking Glass Literary Magazine, January 2015; “Sippin’ Bourbon Dressing”, Good Ole Days Magazine, December 2016. Lastly, my romance novel, "Guilty of Stealing His Heart" was released June 2023.


An Interview With Nancy...

What can readers who discover your work this Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend expect to experience? Is there a particular message or feeling you hope to convey through your stories during this time?

My readers can expect to be swept away by a tale of love and betrayal. I recommend you brew plenty of tea and cozy up on your couch for a weekend of hope and loss, death and destruction, and redemption. The story is a historical Western Romance with spiritual and mystery subplots. Find yourself rooting for the heroine to find her dream lover at last.


Could you give us a sneak peek into your current or upcoming projects? What exciting new worlds, characters, or adventures can your readers look forward to in the near future?

I'm planning a sequel to this book, which will tell the love story of Roy and Ruth, two characters from Guilty of Stealing Your Heart.


During the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season, many turn to books for relaxation and escape. What are your personal favorite reads around this time of year, or do you have any go-to book recommendations for our readers?

 I recommend any of the Christmas stories published by Prairie Rose. I've personally consumed gallons of tea reading Prairie Rose Romances.


As we dive into the holiday season, can you share how this festive time influences your writing or your stories? Do any of your characters or plots draw inspiration from the holiday spirit?

Merry Christmas to you all! Everyone in my family knows what they are receiving for Christmas from me...Books! This year, they will receive my first book to devour. Give all your friends and family books for Christmas, too!


Are there any special offers, promotions, or unique aspects of your work that you are particularly excited about sharing with readers this Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

The ebook version of my book, Guilty of Stealing His Heart, is only $3.99 or free if you have Kindle Unlimited. Enjoy!




Want to get into the millionaire author vibe? Get on the waitlist for Carissa's upcoming 8-week course, Millionaire Author Manifestation to get in on early launch pricing! 

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