Meet Mila Young!

Black Friday Bash Featured Author: Meet Mila Young!

2023 black friday bash Nov 23, 2023

Come meet Mila Young and browse their books at our Direct Sales Black Friday Book Bash, starting on Friday, November 24th, 2023! Check it out by clicking here NOW!


First, A Little Bit About Mila... 

Bestselling Author, Mila Young tackles everything with the zeal and bravado of the fairytale heroes she grew up reading about. She slays monsters, real and imaginary, like there's no tomorrow.

By day she rocks a keyboard as a marketing extraordinaire. At night she battles with her mighty pen-sword, creating fairytale retellings, and sexy ever after tales. In her spare time, she loves pretending she's a mighty warrior, cuddling up with her cats, and devouring every fantasy tale she can get her pinkies on.


An Interview With Mila...

What can readers who discover your work this Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend expect to experience? Is there a particular message or feeling you hope to convey through your stories during this time?

They will discover fantasy worlds where danger is around the corner and my heroine meets her Alphas in the most unlikely of places. I love strong heroines and fiery, possessive alphas. And my stories always come happily ever after :)


Could you give us a sneak peek into your current or upcoming projects? What exciting new worlds, characters, or adventures can your readers look forward to in the near future?

I am working on a story titled, Nightmare Island, about a girl with Viking heritage being forced into marriage with a brute. And there's only one way out...she runs away from him, but in the process is kidnapped by men who steal and sell Omegas. But ending up in a crashing plane and on a remote island was not on her to-do list. Especially when the island is inhabited by dangerous Alphas who are starved for Omegas, which are non-existent on the island. => I'm loving this world as it has a dystopia feel and the heroine needing to find her bravery to stay alive, and deal with the most powerful man on the island who declares her as his mate.


During the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season, many turn to books for relaxation and escape. What are your personal favorite reads around this time of year, or do you have any go-to book recommendations for our readers?

I always turn to Christmas stories and Hallmark movies LOL I'm a huge romantic at heart and love those cozy feel stories.


As we dive into the holiday season, can you share how this festive time influences your writing or your stories? Do any of your characters or plots draw inspiration from the holiday spirit?

For me, the festive season is about spending time with the family, eating way too much, and catching up on my writing haha. I usually tend to think about Christmas-inspired stories I should write for the following year. Most of mine will include Supernatural. One I wrote is called the Spirit of Christmas and includes reindeer shifters and Krampus.


Are there any special offers, promotions, or unique aspects of your work that you are particularly excited about sharing with readers this Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

I have a few book and audio bundles I've put on sale for everyone to enjoy. 




Want to get into the millionaire author vibe? Get on the waitlist for Carissa's upcoming 8-week course, Millionaire Author Manifestation to get in on early launch pricing! 

Get on the Millionaire Author Manifestation Waitlist!

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