Meet Margo Scott!

Black Friday Bash Featured Author: Meet Margo Scott!

2023 black friday bash Nov 24, 2023

Come meet Margot Scott and browse their books at our Direct Sales Black Friday Book Bash, starting on Friday, November 24th, 2023! Check it out by clicking here NOW!


First, A Little Bit About Margo... 

USA Today Bestselling Author Margot Scott writes boundary-pushing romance that ranges from sweet and smutty to dark and twisted. When she’s not tethered to a coffee IV, dreaming up wildly inappropriate relationships, you can find her elbows-deep in a garden bed or tucked into a booth at her favorite sushi place. She lives in her head in New England.


An Interview With Margo...

What can readers who discover your work this Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend expect to experience? Is there a particular message or feeling you hope to convey through your stories during this time?

First and foremost, readers can expect a forbidden romance. For me, a romance has to feel a little bit (or a whole lot) wrong in order to push all the right buttons. My books feature age-gap romances starring older men and younger women in highly inappropriate relationships. Think dad’s best friend, step-dads, and step-uncles, as well as taboo pairings that skip all those extra “steps,” if you know what I mean...


Could you give us a sneak peek into your current or upcoming projects? What exciting new worlds, characters, or adventures can your readers look forward to in the near future?

I’m working on two projects at the moment. First up, a spicy Christmas story for my newsletter subscribers; I love spoiling my VIPs. My second project is a taboo MFM romance (dad/uncle) that takes place in the wintertime, but not explicitly at Christmastime. That one will be up on my store early next year.


During the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season, many turn to books for relaxation and escape. What are your personal favorite reads around this time of year, or do you have any go-to book recommendations for our readers?

For me, it’s about striking a balance. I reach for light reads during stressful times, and thrillers and suspense during the quieter moments. Similarly, when the season gets jolly, I go dark. Right now, that means mafia romance and kinky demon smut.


As we dive into the holiday season, can you share how this festive time influences your writing or your stories? Do any of your characters or plots draw inspiration from the holiday spirit?

I don’t write a Christmas romance every year, but when I do, I like to include some of my favorite things about the holiday season. I’m from New England, so snow is non-negotiable, plus cozy staples like hot chocolate, tree decorating, and dirty talk whispered by crackling fires. Estranged family members coming together—in more ways than one—is a BIG component of my forbidden holiday romances.


Are there any special offers, promotions, or unique aspects of your work that you are particularly excited about sharing with readers this Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

Most definitely! For those who appreciate a protective older hero, I’ve gathered my spiciest daddy-kink romances into a signed paperback bungle. If “forbidden” isn’t naughty enough for you, I also have some taboo bundles (ebook and paperback) featuring novellas and one-handed reads. Just please be sure to check the trigger warnings in the descriptions because a few of these titles are dark with a capital D.




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