Meet Carissa Knight

Black Friday Bash Featured Author: Meet Carissa Knight

2023 black friday bash Nov 22, 2023

Come meet Carissa Knight and browse their books at our Direct Sales Black Friday Book Bash, starting on Friday, November 24th, 2023! Check it out by clicking here between 11/24 and 11/27/23!


First, A Little Bit About Carissa... 

Let’s get this out of the way first. She’s a reader above all else. In fact, she’s rarely read a book she didn’t like and she’ll read just about anything.

As an author, Carissa is all about bringing the heat in every romance she writes, but making the journey as angsty and awkward as possible. (Because come on! What could be more fun than making the characters squirm?)

While she’s a new kid around the rom-com block, Carissa’s actually been kicking out books for over a decade.

So, hold onto your panties, ladies. They’re about to light on fire with her brand new series, “The One Night Stand Club!” Book 1: Dirty Plans is set to release December 8th, 2023!


An Interview With Carissa...

What can readers who discover your work this Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend expect to experience? Is there a particular message or feeling you hope to convey through your stories during this time?

Don't take things too seriously. Even love. ;)  Seriously, though, if you discover this new romcom series and choose to give it a try, I hope you find yourself thoroughly entertained, while also blushing your pants off. There are tons of "oh my god moments" that'll have you in stitches throughout the whole series. 


Could you give us a sneak peek into your current or upcoming projects? What exciting new worlds, characters, or adventures can your readers look forward to in the near future?

I'm currently halfway through writing Dirty Books: Book 2 in the One Night Stand Club. This story continues with one of the other characters you'll meet in the Dirty B's (a wickedly fun book club that I wish I could join). There are new characters introduced, and new situations happening, all while keeping the themes of The One Night Stand Club and Dirt B's Book Club. 


During the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season, many turn to books for relaxation and escape. What are your personal favorite reads around this time of year, or do you have any go-to book recommendations for our readers?

I'm currently reading The Fourth Wing, by Rebecca Yarros (with Iron Flame waiting patiently for me to finish. HA!) I'm genre agnostic, so while I write in rom-com (and paranormal/urban fantasy), I'll read just about anything. 


As we dive into the holiday season, can you share how this festive time influences your writing or your stories? Do any of your characters or plots draw inspiration from the holiday spirit?

I love Christmas, but I have to admit, I only have one book that has Christmas written into it--and that's in my other pen name. However, rom-com lends itself to some fun situations, so I can definitely foresee some holiday-inspired stories coming in the future. 


Are there any special offers, promotions, or unique aspects of your work that you are particularly excited about sharing with readers this Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

While it might seem like I'm a brand new author, I've actually been around for a long time writing paranormal and urban fantasy as Carissa Andrews. However, I'm SUPER stoked to announce that my first rom-com is coming out December 8th, 2023 (on my website exclusively until January 5th, 2024). 

For YOU amazing readers only, I'm dropping the price from $3.99 to 99¢ when you buy it from my shop November 24th - 27th, 2023!




Want to get into the millionaire author vibe? Get on the waitlist for Carissa's upcoming 8-week course, Millionaire Author Manifestation to get in on early launch pricing! 

Get on the Millionaire Author Manifestation Waitlist!

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