Black Friday Bash Featured Author: Meet Carissa Andrews!

Black Friday Bash Featured Author: Meet Carissa Andrews!

2023 black friday bash Nov 22, 2023

Come meet Carissa Andrews and browse their books at our Direct Sales Black Friday Book Bash, starting on Friday, November 24th, 2023! Check it out by clicking here NOW!


First, A Little Bit About Carissa... 

Carissa Andrews is an award-winning and international bestselling author of mind-bending paranormal and urban fantasy novels. Her number one goal is to write books that stick with her readers for days, weeks, months, and even years after they’ve read the final page. If her books don’t burrow a hole into your heart and mind, she hasn’t done her job. Carissa lives in central Minnesota with her husband and brood of five kids, along with their adorable husky, Aztec.


An Interview With Carissa...

What can readers who discover your work this Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend expect to experience? Is there a particular message or feeling you hope to convey through your stories during this time?

With my books, readers will find the recurring theme of strong female protagonists who succeed in the unlikeliest of scenarios. Sometimes they're blindsided--dropped completely into something new and expected to succeed. Sometimes they need to step into themselves more fully and embrace the destiny awaiting them. There are also strong themes of found family, fate always finding its way, and rebirth. Enjoy!


Could you give us a sneak peek into your current or upcoming projects? What exciting new worlds, characters, or adventures can your readers look forward to in the near future?

At the moment, I'm currently writing in my romcom pen name, but I've been recording and mastering the audiobook for Ruins, which is the 4th book in my Diana Hawthorne series. The audiobook is due to come out on December 26th, 2023 and it's nearly complete. However, when I finish writing Dirty Books, I plan on switching gears so I can write Midlife Wolf Bond (Book 4 in my popular Accidental Alpha series), which is due to come out in May of 2024. :) 


During the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season, many turn to books for relaxation and escape. What are your personal favorite reads around this time of year, or do you have any go-to book recommendations for our readers?

I can't say I'm a huge fan of rereading books. I'll do it occasionally, but there are so many NEW worlds to experience, that I find myself mostly reading in my TBR pile. I just finished up the A Court of Thorns & Roses series by Sarah J. Maas - (at least, until she drops Elain's book). Right now, I'm reading Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros and planning to dive straight into Iron Flame after that. 


As we dive into the holiday season, can you share how this festive time influences your writing or your stories? Do any of your characters or plots draw inspiration from the holiday spirit?

My only story that happens to be set at Christmas time is Cursed Legacy (Book 4 of my Windhaven Witches series). That particular book is the finale of the whole series and I knew leaning in on the Christmas vibe would be particularly dramatic, considering how the rest of the series concluded. Cryptic, I know. I guess you'll just have to read the series to learn why. ;) 


Are there any special offers, promotions, or unique aspects of your work that you are particularly excited about sharing with readers this Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

Of course! In my store, if you buy three paperbacks (this includes signed paperbacks), if you use the promo code BQ4PAFNVWSQ7 you'll get a fourth book FREE! There are also other exclusive sales and deals running sitewide. So dig around and have a look! 



Want to get into the millionaire author vibe? Get on the waitlist for Carissa's upcoming 8-week course, Millionaire Author Manifestation to get in on early launch pricing! 

Get on the Millionaire Author Manifestation Waitlist!

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