3 Reasons Why You Should Plan A Series This Preptober

3 Reasons Why You Should Plan a Series This Preptober

nanowrimo preptober Oct 01, 2022

Now, if you've been paying attention, you know that I love a good series, right?

You probably also know that a series has been the way I have built my career. It's what I teach in Rapid Release Roadmap--and the Plan Your Series Challenge is a part of that.

But honestly, when I think about my author career and the ways that I have made the most significant leaps, it's been through a series. It's been through the deliberate creation of a story that I had resting on my heart and that I knew I had to share.

So when I talk about a series, and when I think about a series, there's just such a good vibe in my heart that I can't help but share that information with you.

So as we kick off Preptober, (which is obviously a part of NaNoWriMo... Nano is November. Preptober is getting prepped up in order to take Nano on.) it's a great time to get our thoughts together and to really be thinking about what we want to do for our story come November.

But, you know, it kind of feels like an opportunity missed, too. Why would we spend an entire month on planning one book, when we can actually plan out a whole series? Do you know what I mean?

That's kind of how my mind works. It's like, if I'm gonna be putting the work and the effort and energy into it anyway, I want to do it in a way that kind of maximizes my time. Right? 

We are we work the best as humans when we are putting focused energy and effort into one thing. Well, when we're writing and planning a series, that's what we're doing. We're batching the same type of work, we're condensing the amount of time it takes. You're immersing yourself in the entire process. And you're giving yourself the story that unfolds over the next few books.


Here are 5 reasons you should plan a series instead of a solo title this Preptober:


Number One: You're Gonna Be Prolific, Right?

You don't want to have a one-hit wonder, right? You want an author career! You want to write books over and over again. And you know that this is not going to be the only one you're writing. So as you go forward, and as you're thinking about your author career, and as you're thinking about how you want to create an editorial calendar that supports your author career, a series will typically play a role in that.

Now, statistics have proven over and over again, that a series is the best way to earn a living, it's the best way to write faster. It's also the best way to be able to get readers interested in what you're writing. It's the best way to keep readers interested in the books that you're telling because they get invested in your characters your world-building.

So honestly, if you don't want to be that one-hit wonder and get stuck after only writing one book, a series can really help you with that. Plus, it will help you continue through to the next few books because now you already understand what you're trying to tell with those stories.

Plus, when we're trying to manifest a millionaire author destiny or just an author destiny, period, we have to treat it the way we ultimately want to see it unfold. In order to do that, you're going to be thinking about what comes next. Then, what comes after the next book after the next book... Pretty much forever. 


Number Two: It Takes A Backlist 

Now, on average, it takes 22 to 28 books to earn a decent living from your writing. So, if you want to earn a living from your writing, you gotta get that back catalog up and move forward confidently knowing that the books are going to eventually add up.

Part of the reason 22 to 28 books really is that ticket number has less to do with the number and more to do with the author finally allowing themselves to get out of their own way. By that point, they've gone through the experiences they need to go through in order to find their groove.

They've established their writing habit. They've gotten into their groove. They have their branding down. But more than that, they've let go of their scarcity mindset. And sometimes it takes a number of books before you go, "You know what? I can really do this thing!" 


Number Three: You Can Map Out a Series in 3 Days 

Look, the biggest and most important reason is that starting October 3rd, 2022, we're kicking off the next FREE launch of the 3-Day Plan Your Series Challenge. Hundreds of students have gone through this challenge (There are nearly 500 signed up for this one alone!) and every single time, I hear incredible news about students finally creating the series they've always wanted to. 

Best of all, PREPtober lasts all month, but the bulk of your work will be done by October 7th! How cool is that? Not only will you have the first book planned and ready to rock for NaNoWriMo, but you know exactly what's coming next... and next... and one more next. Neat-o, right?

So, if you know you want to continue this author gig... And you know it takes a backlist of books to make some magic happen... AND you know that your writerly tribe is planning their series, too. What are you waiting for? 

Join the 2022 Preptober 3-Day Plan Your Series Challenge! 

I can't wait to see you inside!

Want to get into the millionaire author vibe? Get on the waitlist for Carissa's upcoming 8-week course, Millionaire Author Manifestation to get in on early launch pricing! 

Get on the Millionaire Author Manifestation Waitlist!

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